
An enigmatic being loaded with a wealth of objects just arrived, we do not know where he comes from or where he goes, and he may not know neither, but his presence will not leave us indifferent. The Niu is a show that is invented anew in every street through which it passes. No words, no rules, the game is constant with the public drawing new paths to the imagination, where the surprise and laughter go hand in hand. A clown with soul bird captive us on ingenuity and insight, accompanied by sound and music, the street turns into a lively makeshift stage

Artistic team

  • Interpreter: Dudu (Clown)
  • External view: Leandre Ribera
  • Costumes: Rocio Franco
  • Escenography: Josep Sebastia (Lagarto)


  • Language: gestural
  • Length: 40 m.
  • Gender: clown and mime
  • Audience: all
  • Format: show